Monday 11 May 2020

How to Get Vanilla Extract During a Pandemic

1. Refresh grocery website endlessly to secure home delivery spot
2. Order pure vanilla, premium artificial vanilla and boring artificial vanilla
3. Receive e-mail with list of items not available this week including vanilla
4. Ask kids to unpack grocery order because it arrives at 9pm so late you are already in bed
5. Order vanilla again from second grocery store
6. Pick up groceries. Get free turkey bacon from clerk for being so patient while lady in white car screams and yells about being next in line, despite not being parked in car order zone. Listen to couple in minivan have raging fight about going to the Post Office. Open trunk to receive order, wipe hands with Clorox wipes. Check e-mail. No Vanilla Available.
7. Get call from your Dad asking if you want to add something to his online order. Ask for vanilla.
8. Get call from your Dad. There is no vanilla.
9. Give up on vanilla. Bake poppy seed cookies from cookbook that is so old vanilla extract has not been invented yet and is therefore not required.
10. Decide fridge is filthy and do a pre-clean to ascertain how much time the deep clean will take.
11. Reach behind the Intense Bon Maman strawberry jam and knock over giant bottle of artificial vanilla extract.

Lesson Learned
Sometimes we look everywhere for something and it's right under our nose the whole time.

Other Lesson Learned
No matter how much time we spend teaching the kids there are always some things we forget to mention like where to store the artificial extract.

Final Lesson Learned
We are slowly getting used to the pandemic normal and I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

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