Monday 1 July 2019

Complaint Sandwich on Brown

Yesterday a friend sent me an article about another complaint expert who suggests using a complaint sandwich when expressing your complaints (click here to read).

Am sensing a link between complaint professionals and sandwiches. This guy (named Guy) is basing his career on a complaint sandwich whereas mine took off following the ordering of a turkey sub.

I believe this is worthy of further investigation:

How a Complaint Sandwich is Like A Turkey Sub

1. Both are practical: Turkey sub is a business transaction type of meal. It may not be fantastic but it's usually edible and sufficiently filling. The complaint sandwich is practical too. It is a way of structuring your message so that you get your point across clearly. The instructions for this technique are easy to follow and clearly laid out.

2. Both are not spicy: I mean I guess you could put sriracha on your turkey sammie but for the most part it's a pretty bland food group. The complaint sandwich is a calm method of communicating as well. There is no heat - no shouting, no temper tantrums, no scathing emails. Calmness is important to keep in mind when you are about to express your complaint.

3. Both are best served fresh: Sometimes when we are complaining to someone, it's tempting to re-hash old beefs. For example: You never empty your recycling. I've talked to you about this a million times. In a complaint sandwich, you stay in the here and now. You are complaining about something that is a current issue. Turkey subs, too, can not be frozen and reheated. They are normally consumed minutes after assembly.

4. Both are best with lean meat: When complaining it is sometimes tempting to pile on the examples but all you really need is one incident to illustrate your point. If you are lean, and just stick to one thing that is driving you crazy at that moment you are more likely to get good results. I am 99% sure that the turkey used in subs is 99% lean.

5. Brown lettuce could be a problem: If your favourite part of the sandwich is the iceberg, and it looks a little brown to you, this could make for a disappointing sub. A complaint sandwich does not contain lettuce so you're probably ok there.

Where You Could Potentially Go Wrong
I don't think a complaint sandwich is edible so pay attention when you are ordering your lunch.

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