Monday 13 May 2019

Mother's Day - Do You Sense a Theme

Mother's Day 2018:
Wrote one of my most popular posts ever - about talking to your kids about sex.  If you missed it, check it out here

Mother's Day 2019, Part One:
Send husband link to Jewish film festival at local theatre and add the tag line "Mother's Day idea?"
Husband writes back "Done."
"Done? I was half-joking I can't believe you clicked! How many tickets did you get?"
He looks at me like I am bananas. I mean, it's an email so I don't know that for sure. But I sense it.
"Five." (There are five people in our family.)
"We're bringing the kids?" To a documentary. Jewish film festival.  At 2pm. On what might be a beautiful sunny day in May. 
Yikes. We really are pulling the Mother's Day card.

Mother's Day 2019, Part Two:
Friday before Mother's Day go out for long overdue lunch with writer friend who writes borderline erotica romance. Her novels are set in Montreal and the third book in her trilogy is coming out in June, called Swap Club 3, check out her and the books here.
We exchange Mother's Day plans.
She is going for brunch at her mom's house. Vanilla.
My Sunday is a little unexpected. Documentary, public, daylight, teenagers.
"You have to blog about this," she says. "Let's think of a title."

Mother's Day 2019, Minutes Before Departure:
"Are you actually serious? We're all going to this? I'm not going."
"I can't go Sunday. I have to work."
"We're walking there? I'm not walking there. Can't we take the car?"

Mother's Day 2019, Movie Title:

Lessons Learned:
  1. Even when Mother's Day is fun and goes smoothly there are going to be people who sleep through the movie
  2. Jewish Film Festival has come a long way since Yentl
  3. If you have your children captive on Mother's Day, use the time to promote your own agenda
  4. Dr. Ruth is as captivating at 90 as she was at 65. Highly recommend the movie.

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